Those We Serve – Alex

Those We Serve – Alex

For Alexandr, moving to Quest Village represented the promise of independence and the freedom to focus on personal growth. “It’s my first time out on my own and away from my family,” said Alexandr. “The people at Quest Village help you budget, pay rent and get a...
Those We Serve – Michael

Those We Serve – Michael

When Michael joined Quest Training Centers at 22, it was his first experience in a vocational services setting. He preferred solitary activities early on but blossomed overtime and started participating in group activities. Now 30, Michael continues to impress his...
Those We Serve – Olivia

Those We Serve – Olivia

Those We Serve – Olivia Abbie and Adam McKinnon encountered Quest Kids Therapy in 2011, not long after their daughter Olivia was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. “It definitely was the place we felt most comfortable leaving our child, who at that time...