
Those We Serve – Michael

by | Sep 14, 2023 | Those We Serve

When Michael joined Quest Training Centers at 22, it was his first experience in a vocational services setting. He preferred solitary activities early on but blossomed overtime and started participating in group activities.

Now 30, Michael continues to impress his biggest fan —his mother, Irene. She was pleasantly surprised when she learned he volunteered to help with Meals on Wheels.

“I couldn’t believe it when they told me he was doing that,” Irene said. “He knows the steps to prepare the meals and how to pack and deliver them. And he does wonderfully. It’s great to hear that he could do that in the community and help someone else.”

Irene has noticed significant changes in her son’s emotional maturity and coping strategies. Michael now calms himself in stressful situations, showcasing newfound independence and emotional growth.

That growth opens up possibilities Michael’s mom didn’t think were possible.

“I thought he’d be a homebody — somebody who couldn’ venture out,” Irene said. “With him being nonverbal, I thought it was a setback, but it wasn’t because he grew in other ways to make up for that. And he’s still able to learn. He picks up new things every day. I can’t stress enough how wonderful that is.” For those reasons, Irene values the time Michael spends at Quest.

“He loves the staff here. He loves coming here. It’s a place where he can feel safe, be part of a group, and be part of something.”

Quest, Inc. - Michael (Client) Working
Quest, Inc. - Michael and Mom In Front of Entrance of Training Center
Quest, Inc. - Michael Looking at Instructor

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