Quest’s Employment Services Provide Access to Jobs for All

by | Oct 1, 2024 | Employment Services

National Disability Employment Awareness Month celebrates the contributions people with disabilities make to America’s workplace and economy. This year’s theme is “Access to Good Jobs for All,” and Quest, Inc. remains committed to providing the individuals we serve with meaningful employment opportunities.

Our Employment Services team collaborates with students and job candidates to develop an individualized learning or job placement plan. Using Quest’s Employment Continuum of evaluation, education and placement service offerings, our team provides the individuals we deserve with a strategic, intentional path toward success.

Evaluation Services

Quest offers discovery assessment services through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) referral by the State of Florida. Assessments occur over five to eight meetings before an evaluator conducts phone interviews, writes a detailed plan and schedules a final meeting to discuss results.

Once a candidate has been approved, we will work alongside the individual to find a meaningful and sustainable work experience. If a client wishes to work but has not been approved, Quest will assist with the referral process.

Educational Services

Work Readiness Training Program

Quest’s work readiness training program teaches executive functioning skills like conflict resolution, time management and effective communication through direct instruction lessons and role-playing scenarios. This approach prepares candidates to collaborate effectively with others and excel in meeting their supervisors’ demands.

Project SEARCH

Quest also partners with the Osceola County School District and the Florida Division of VR within the Project SEARCH program. Project SEARCH is a transition-to-work internship program for individuals with disabilities. Through hands-on training, interns acquire employability and marketable work skills while participating in three rotations across various career paths. These educational opportunities give our individuals the best chance to qualify for and maintain a career.

Employment Opportunities

We also offer business enterprises, mobile crews and internship programs based on independence, assistance and behavioral levels. Business enterprise programs are operated within Quest facilities. An example is Blossom Artisanal, a social venture created by Quest to provide a safe and supportive work environment for adults and teenagers with developmental disabilities.

Mobile crew programs are operated within community partner locations with constant staff supervision or assistance, like Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) recycling, where clients separate wire and metal. The mutually beneficial partnership helps participants develop their skills while contributing to the workforce. Internship programs are operated within community partner locations with fading staff supervision or coaching. This includes WORKS Accelerator, a 12-week paid internship program that helps eligible individuals for VR find jobs after high school.

Placement Services

The final piece of the continuum is placement services for candidates needing no long-term supervision and fading coaching. Services include job pursuit and job retention coaching. If a specific job is not available, the team will create one. Once employment is attained, a Quest employment specialist is available for one-on-one workplace training or regular visits if additional support is required to ensure success.

Great talent exists at Quest. By continuing to find opportunities for access that lead to equity and success, we further our mission of helping individuals with developmental disabilities experience a full life. To learn more about Quest’s Employment Services and how you can get involved, visit Employment Services – Quest, Inc. (

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