Work Experience and Job Placement


Employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities

Work Experience and Job Placement


Employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities

We work with candidates to find a job that matches their needs and preferences.

Quest, Inc. - Employment Services

Quest works with candidates who have been approved for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services by the State of Florida to find a work experience that is meaningful and sustainable. If you have not been approved for VR services, we can assist in that process.

Our Employment Services team meets with every job candidate to assess their skill level and interests. We then work together to develop an individualized learning or job placement plan. At Quest, we maximize our participant’s current abilities and growth potential through our Employment Services Continuum.

To learn more about Quest’s array of employment opportunities, learn more here.


To find out if Quest Employment Services is the right fit for you or a loved one, please fill out the form below.

Our Employment Partners

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Program support provided in part by

City of Orlando

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