Team Member Highlight – Alicia Taylor

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Quest Training Centers, Team Member Highlight

With a remarkable 15-year tenure at Quest, Inc., Alicia Taylor has left a mark in behavioral health. Her commitment to her work is evident in the strong bonds she has formed with clients over the years, many of whom she supports even after they have transitioned from her care.

Creating a Positive Environment for Success

At Quest’s Training Center in Tampa, Alicia plays a profoundly fulfilling responsibility with high-intensity behavioral clients. She values the center’s structured environment, which equips individuals with comprehensive skill development and vocational program services to help them achieve their goals.

“Clients appreciate structure because many of them are experiencing it for the first time,” she says. “They become familiar with expectations before doing anything or going anywhere, and they understand and perform well at community outings.”

Supporting Clients Through Transitions

Alicia takes pride in guiding her clients through these various experiences, celebrating their successes and cherishing the joy of witnessing them overcome challenges. Reflecting on her clients’ transitions, Alicia maintains a deep sense of empathy and commitment.

She explains that a common transition is when clients who have lived at home with supportive families move into group homes due to much-needed respite care for the families. Understanding that this transition is difficult for everyone involved, Alicia proactively supports her clients to ensure a smooth transition. Whether preparing their favorite foods or just being a familiar face, she eventually sees her clients become comfortable with the change and thrive.

Positive Attitudes and Deep Connections at the Training Center

Building trust is crucial for her to address individual needs with compassion. Her commitment to understanding each client’s unique communication and behavior styles and advocating for them exemplifies her dedication to their well-being.

Alicia is also a valued team member at the Training Center. She expresses her deep connection to her colleagues, whom she considers family. Alicia finds joy in knowing they can come together to achieve goals while maintaining a positive attitude. She credits the center’s leadership for creating a culture where the team can fulfill their roles with their trust and support.

“Our leadership is great. It’s an open-door policy for anything,” Alicia says. “Whatever we need, they’re always understanding and appreciative of our work; I value that.”

Giving Thanks to Quest, Inc.

Alicia’s positive attitude, dedication and commitment to her clients and team are commendable. She is thankful for the opportunity to serve at Quest, which has set her standards for treating people.

“I love coming here. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Alicia says. “This is family for me; it’s inspiring and fulfilling.”

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