Katie Porta Legacy Society


A legacy that lasts a lifetime.

Quest, Inc. invites you to help sustain a legacy that keeps on giving.

Every year, charities receive gifts that supporters leave us in their estate plans, some we are aware of and some that are welcome surprises. These gifts are very important to the sustainability of an organization’s mission. In many cases, the charitable organization is unable to thank these wonderful donors for their generosity which advance the mission or cause they care deeply about. 

Quest has established the Katie Porta Legacy Society in honor of her service as Quest, Inc. President and CEO from 1981 to 2014. Katie Porta served Central Florida, not for personal gain and not for recognition. She did it because she believed it was part of her responsibility as a citizen. She will remain widely and uncritically admired. She symbolizes a movement and has built a lasting legacy of love and hope for all those who have worked along-side her and for all.

As Quest identifies Katie Porta Legacy Society members, we will invite them to special events where they will see our work first hand and learn how their legacy gift will sustain Quest’s mission over the next 50 years. Members will be asked to share their Quest and family stories and why giving to the Katie Porta Legacy Society is meaningful to them.

Quest advocates may become a member of the Katie Porta Legacy Society in any of the following ways:

  • bequest in a will or living trust
  • beneficiary designation in a retirement plan
  • beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • any other planned gift that provides for our future

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Donating stocks, bonds and mutual funds directly to Quest can make a bigger impact compared with donating cash or selling your appreciated securities and contributing the after-tax proceeds. You may be able to automatically increase your gift and your tax deduction. Click here for Quest stock delivery information.


Donor Advisors & Donor-Advised Funds

Donor advised funds are a great financial and philanthropic vehicle for individuals without a family or individual foundation. Donors receive tax benefits, can time valuations of assets and support various philanthropic charities through one account.

 You can make a grant from a Donor Advised Fund to benefit Quest, Inc. Our EIN 59-2013160 under legal name Life Concepts, Inc (we d/b/a as Quest, Inc.). 


Gifts That Pay You Income

Donors who want to provide for Quest, Inc. in the future and feel that they can’t afford to make a large gift at this time in their life can consider several options that benefit both Quest and the donor like Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts. Contact your advisor or reach out to giving@questinc.org to discuss these options.


Wills and Living Trusts

Types of Will Structure:

  • Outright specific bequest of item or dollars
  • Residual bequest
  • The residual or remaining balance of the estate is gifted to Quest to support its mission.


Appreciated Assets

Life Insurance
Many individuals own life insurance policies purchased years earlier to protect their family or business partners. If you no longer need the policy for the original purpose, a satisfying use of the policy might be used as a charitable gift to Quest, Inc. You can donate ownership of the policy and you may be able to take a charitable deduction if you itemize.

Over a lifetime, individuals may have collected valuable assets such as antiques, paintings, coin and stamp collections, and copyright royalties. When considering donations of collectables, the donor and Quest, Inc. will need to discuss the fair market value, tax implications and feasibility for resale. Before giving a gift of collectable items, please consult with your advisor and Quest, Inc. before making a treasured gift.

Business Interests
An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) and business ownership interests are excellent ways of supporting Quest, Inc. with a major gift in support of helping people with developmental disabilities achieve their dreams.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions
When you become age 70½ and older, you have the ability to make a gift directly from an IRA of up to $100,000 as part of your required minimum distribution, which is generally taxable. When making an IRA contribution, it is important that the custodian coordinates with Quest, Inc. to ensure you receive the necessary tax receipts.

If you have already arranged a future gift or are considering a planned gift, we invite you to contact Quest, Inc. and complete the Katie Porta Legacy Society Membership Interest Form.

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