DSP Highlight – Mikafu Akoli

by | Sep 14, 2022 | DSP Week, Team Member Highlight

Today we celebrate #DSPWeek by highlighting our Direct Service Professional, Mikafu Akoli.

Coming from the West African country of Ghana, Mikafu has dedicated more than 17 years of service to Quest clients at our Williams Road Cluster.

Mikafu has a direct hand in giving hope and helping to transform lives through the services provided at Quest Inc. Without the dedication and commitment of Mikafu, we would not be able to provide excellent service to our clients and their families.

Mikafu finds that working as a DSP provides a sense of reward, pride, and community. “Every day, I want our clients to be happy. But unfortunately, some of them cannot verbally express themselves. But when they are not happy, you can tell.”, states Mikafu. “When I notice something is not right with a client, I tell the nurse so that we can work together to fix the problem and make the client happy again.”

As a DSP, you are the backbone of Quest, Inc. We cannot fulfill our mission and vision without you. Thank you, Mikafu and all our DSPs, for all that you do and pouring your heart into the clients. Our DSPs care for the clients as if they were their own family members. For that, we cannot thank them enough!

 Make sure you follow Quest Inc. across social media and stay tuned for more on Mikafu and other exceptional DSPs throughout the week.

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