
A Culture of Engagement

by | May 12, 2022 | Events

At Quest, our work depends on an engaged organizational culture — internally as well as out in the community. We recently had two opportunities for team members to interact with each other outside of the work environment while spreading the Quest spirit.

SimplyIOA Corporate 5K

We rounded up the troops for an evening of wellness and community interaction at Track Shack’s SimplyIOA Corporate 5K. Quest had a great turnout with team members walking and running the course. We made fast friends with our tent neighbors and the environment was lively and entertaining. There was a tremendous turnout and the folks at Track Shack ran an extremely smooth event. We sweated, laughed and schmoozed. It was great to see so many smiling faces in the beautiful open air.

Town Hall

Quest’s Town Halls provide senior leadership the opportunity to convey topics of mission and strategy while receiving input from program leads — all in a fun environment that promotes team building. Quest operates in over 20 locations in the Orlando and Tampa regions and Town Halls allow team members who don’t typically work together a chance to interact face-to-face.

Our Spring Town Hall was held at Top Golf in Tampa. The focus was mental health and the importance of utilizing strategies for mental wellness. After a morning of learning and break-out sessions, the team enjoyed lunch and then had a go with the clubs. We had a blast after a very productive morning. We’re looking forward to our next Town Hall in October!

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